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Alexander Thal

Headshot of Alexander Thal, Life Coach based in Los Angeles

Personal Development Life Coaching

Certified Life Coach
in Los Angeles and Online

Certified Life Coach in Los Angeles and Online

Headshot of Alexander Thal, Life Coach based in Los Angeles

As a certified Life Coach in Los Angeles, I help my clients find relief from the internal and external challenges in their lives. People come to me wanting to make positive change in their careers, relationships, personal lives and spiritual lives and leave having achieved their goals, with newfound clarity, purpose, and confidence.

If you are struggling with...

  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Stress
  • Burnout
  • Anger
  • Inner Conflict
  • Decision Paralysis
  • Catastrophizing
  • Unhealed Trauma
  • Destructive Patterns
  • Post-Pandemic Social Anxiety
  • Aimlessness

...then you've come to the right place.

In our 1-on-1 sessions, we work together to go deep into self-understanding and then create new behavior patterns in alignment with your values and goals. Whether you are looking to make change in your relationships, your work, or yourself, I provide a safe space and practical tools that facilitate sustainable growth.

Life Coach in Los Angeles and Online

Testimonials from Clients in LA

Testimonials from Clients in LA

- Elana

“Working with Alex has been incredibly rewarding. I’ve learned so much from him about how to navigate healthier relationships, as well as my own journey into sexuality, masculinity, and spirituality. He has been an incredible mirror and coach, and anyone wishing to explore their own selves deeper could benefit from his perspective and practice.”

- Max

“I was initially skeptical about coaching, but working with Alex has been a game-changer. Every session is a treasure trove of valuable insights, and I consistently walk away with practical solutions that genuinely work. Alex’s approach is compassionate but real, it’s all about finding actionable solutions to the challenges I face. I never anticipated how much impact coaching could have on my life, but now I don’t know where I’d be without it. Alex is the real deal.”

- Robert


What a Life Coaching Session Looks Like

As a life coach in Los Angeles, I work with clients one-on-one, online or in person. No two coaching sessions look the same because every session is catered to the client’s unique needs. What is the same are underlying principles and tools that I have synthesized from the frameworks described below.

My goal is to help clients understand their own brain and learn how to most effectively work with it to succeed. My holistic approach views the process of personal development as deeply interconnected with the healing process: it is by integrating our psychological wounds that we are able to forge new paths ahead.

Parts Work

Parts Work, the cornerstone of Internal Family Systems, is a way of looking at our psyches as a system of competing voices. Central to my approach is mentoring clients in understanding, accepting, and finding collaboration between these different parts of themselves. For example, maybe part of you desperately wants to leave your soul-sucking job, but another part reacts with pangs of fear at the idea of losing the safety net it provides. 

I guide clients through the process of differentiating between their inner parts and learning how to get them all working together. When these seemingly opposing voices are approached with empathy and curiosity, new strategies arise that satisfy all of their needs, leading to real lasting behavior change.

Non-Violent Communication

Non-Violent Communication is a needs-based communication style developed by Marshall Rosenberg. The philosophy provides a framework for understanding how our behaviors connect to our emotions, and how our emotions connect to our deepest human needs. Using this framework, I hold space for clients to safely explore sensitive and painful topics and ultimately teach them how to do the same for themselves. 

After exploring one’s truest needs, I guide the process of finding new strategies to satisfy all of those needs, creating a life of alignment and fulfillment. Through this work, conflict with others and within oneself become valued teachers, helping us to uncover our hidden wounds and truer selves.


Rooted in ancient yogic tradition and backed by leading contemporary research, mindfulness is a state of awareness that focuses on the present moment without judgment. It is the acknowledgment that our inner self-talk is derived from unconscious narratives we tell ourselves about the past and future, and that truth exists only in the here and now. By entering that state of awareness, we can detach from these narratives and thus liberate ourselves from our mental entanglements.

Mindfulness is fundamental to my coaching because awareness, detachment, and non-judgment are necessary to evoke inner change. I work closely with my clients to develop mindfulness so that any mental health issues can be unburdened.

Would you like to hear more about how a life coaching session with me will go?


My Coaching Methodology

Our individualistic culture encourages self-development in silos, but my clients have found that doing inner work (and it is work) is much easier, safer, and more lasting when done with the help of a mentor.

As a Personal Development Life Coach in Los Angeles, I firmly believe that it is through this process of self-understanding that we can best find sustained happiness, fulfillment, connection, stability, and love. I believe the best approach to this work is from the perspective of mindful awareness and through the lens of curiosity – an exploration into oneself. My goal is simply to be your guide and confidant in this exploration.

I empathize with the difficulties and confusions of our time, having experienced plenty myself. I do not proclaim to have all the answers, but I provide tried and true methods for uncovering the answers within yourself. Central to my approach is the firm belief that infinite joy, peace, and love are always entirely within your grasp. The work we do together is to cultivate an environment in your life, in your relationships, and within your own psyche, that increasingly allows for the recognition of this truth.

Photo of Alexander Thal, Life Coach for Young Adults, based in Los Angeles

Looking for support in your life but don't know where to begin?

Schedule a complimentary 20-minute call with me to explore your present circumstances. During our conversation, we’ll collaboratively assess how I can support you or help you reach your personal goals. If my coaching isn’t the ideal fit for you, I will offer guidance to steer you in the right direction.