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Alexander Thal

Photo of Alexander Thal, Executive Functioning Tutor in Los Angeles
Available in Los Angeles and Online

Executive Functioning Tutor
in Los Angeles

Executive Functioning Tutor in Los Angeles

Photo of Alexander Thal, Executive Functioning Tutor in Los Angeles

As a holistic Personal Development Coach and Executive Functioning Tutor in Los Angeles, I help families find ease, cooperation and success by empowering students with executive functioning tools. I work one-on-one with high school students in Los Angeles and online. My students leave with a comprehensive toolbox of strategies they can employ in their personal, academic, and professional lives.

If you or your child is struggling with...

  • Procrastination
  • Social Media
  • Self-Esteem Issues
  • Neurodivergence Masking
  • Aimlessness
  • Burnout / “Laziness”
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Impulsivity
  • Stress
  • Inattentiveness
  • Post-Pandemic Social Anxiety

...then you've come to the right place.

As a certified Social & Emotional Intelligence Coach and Executive Functioning Tutor in Los Angeles, I work with high school students one-on-one to build executive functioning skills and self-confidence. I help challenged teens and their caretakers understand why they are struggling and provide them with the tools and strategies to achieve…

  • Executive Functioning Skills
  • Emotional Intelligence
  • Self-Confidence
  • Conscious Communication
  • Self-Advocacy
  • Purpose
  • Behavioral Regulation Skills
  • Impulse Control
  • Self-Awareness
  • Decision Making Skills
  • Self-Discipline
  • Mindfulness

Teen Coach in Los Angeles and online

Testimonials from Students and Parents

Testimonials from Students and Parents

“Working with Alex has been transformative for my son. His academic performance has significantly improved with better focus in school and while doing homework, and he’s basically stopped procrastinating entirely! Alex’s guidance also helped him manage his stress better. Less worrying and more excited to do work. I highly recommend Alex to any parent whose child struggles with focus and procrastination.“

- Mother of 11th Grader

“Alex has been a tremendous force of positivity in our family. Our son was diagnosed with ADHD and had some behavioral issues that were causing a lot of fights and difficulty in our home. We didn’t want to start him on any medications and with Alex’s help, we haven’t had to. Since working with Alex, our son has learned to express his intense emotions using his words and has begun to take ownership of his feelings, not always taking them out on us. We’ve learned how to better hear what he needs, and our family as a whole has benefitted so much.”

- Parents of 13 year old

“I’ve loved my sessions with Alex. He taught me how to get my homework and studying done efficiently and effectively. Alex showed me how I could get work done for classes I struggle with by building new workflow systems. He also gave me tools that help me organize my time a lot better, which means I complete my work earlier and have more time for my extra-curriculars.”

- High school senior

Youth Mental Health

According to the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), 49.5% of adolescents have some kind of mental disorder – and this is not accounting for those who have not been diagnosed. We live in a time where the mental health of our youth is deteriorating and the institutions that are supposed to take care of them are lacking effective solutions. If you or your child is struggling, it is never too early to seek help.

I was one of those struggling teens – I had undiagnosed ADHD and anxiety, harbored major self-esteem issues, and felt simultaneously burnt out by school and aimless in my life. 

Eventually I found answers, a set of concrete tools that can help anybody work through their emotional blockages and find success, whatever that means to them. Now, as an Executive Functioning Tutor in Los Angeles, I offer those tools to others, collaborating closely with students and their caretakers to find their own solutions and their authentic selves.

Adolescents Diagnosed
With Mental Disorder


"Regardless of age, youngsters can begin working on developmental levels they have been unable to master, but they can do so only in the context of a close, personal relationship with a devoted adult."

Executive Functioning Tutor in Los Angeles

What a Coaching Session Looks Like

As an Executive Functioning Tutor in Los Angeles, I work one-on-one with high school students in person and online. No two coaching sessions look the same because every session is catered to the student’s unique needs. What is the same are the underlying principles and tools that help guide my clients to find solutions that work for them. My goal is to help students understand their own brain and learn how to most effectively work with it to succeed. My holistic  approach, which combines self-empowerment strategies with executive functioning techniques, has proven to inspire real sustained growth.

Parts Work

Parts Work, the cornerstone of Internal Family Systems, is a way of looking at our psyches as a system of competing voices. Central to my approach is mentoring clients in understanding, accepting, and finding collaboration between these different parts of themselves. For example, maybe your inner critic wants you to succeed at all costs but the freedom-seeking rebel inside you just wants to go out with friends. 

When these seemingly opposing voices are approached with empathy and curiosity, new strategies arise that satisfy all of the student’s needs, leading to real lasting behavior change. I guide students through the process of getting to know their inner parts, but they also learn to take a leadership role in this self-discovery, fostering their journey toward independence.

Executive Functioning Coaching

Executive functioning skills encompass a group of cognitive abilities, such as planning, organization, self-regulation, goal setting, work chunking, prioritizing, and time management. We all rely on these skills in our daily lives as we tackle the demands of work, school, and home. 

These executive functioning skills are crucial to both accomplishing work and to learning itself, and thus are a pillar of my coaching practice. As a certified Social & Emotional Intelligence Coach, I guide students to adopt these strategies and systems while honoring their personality types and their unique learning styles, which we discover together. Ultimately, executive functioning coaching equips students with the tools and techniques they need to become successful students and self-reliant learners.


Rooted in ancient yogic tradition and backed by leading contemporary research, mindfulness is a state of awareness that focuses on the present moment without judgment. It is the acknowledgment that our inner self-talk is derived from unconscious narratives we tell ourselves about the past and future, and that truth exists only in the here and now. By entering that state of awareness, we can detach from these narratives and thus liberate ourselves from our mental entanglements.

Mindfulness is fundamental to my coaching because awareness, detachment, and non-judgment are necessary to evoke inner change. As an Executive Functioning Tutor in Los Angeles, I work closely with my clients to develop mindfulness so that any mental health issues can be unburdened.

Note to Parents & Caregivers

Executive Functioning Coaching thrives on collaboration among the student, the caregiver(s), and the coach. You will remain involved in the process through communication with me both before and after sessions, but the sessions themselves will be one-on-one between me and the student.

Would you like to hear more about how a session with me will go?

Executive Functioning Tutor in Los Angeles

My Journey with ADHD

I had the privilege to attend Harvard-Westlake, a private high school known for its competitive academics. For years I was a straight A student, but at some point my schoolwork became too much and began to overwhelm me. This is when I began procrastinating, and soon enough I was avoiding almost all of my work until the very last minute. Under increasing pressure from my own high expectations of myself, no doubt reinforced by my school’s competitive culture and the prospect of college applications, my monkey-mind became more powerful. 

With the internet and social media at my finger-tips, my attention span nose-dived and I found myself less and less able to focus on anything, even the extracurriculars that once mattered most to me. I still got by, but to the detriment of my mental and physical well-being. I was deeply sleep deprived, even falling asleep while driving on one occasion, very luckily avoiding any major damage.

Hitting Rock Bottom

I was in a downward spiral of stress and anxiety, and shame became the primary feeling – a debilitating inability to perform as well as I thought I should have. Out of guilt, I hid all of this from my parents. I remember feeling a gut-wrenching fear of growing up – how could I possibly maintain a job, a salary, a life? It felt as though these deficiencies were my fault, that if I simply cared enough, I could fix these issues. 

Finally, after hitting rock bottom, I came clean to my parents, who had me speak to a psychiatrist. I was diagnosed with ADHD and was prescribed Ritalin, which provided some relief but had negative effects on my mood. But admitting to my struggles and the pain they caused allowed me to begin a process of self-acceptance – I did care about finding success, but the tools I was given to do so simply didn’t work for me.

Finding Answers

A journey of self-exploration opened me to no longer see myself as a problem that needed solutions, but as a unique person that may require alternative tools in order to succeed. I discovered that I have a kinesthetic learning style, which explains why I faced challenges in classes designed for auditory learners. I realized that I can achieve a flow state, making any kind of work doable, by breaking down overwhelming assignments into manageable yet still stimulating segments. Most importantly, I learned that I can excel in work I’m passionate about when I willingly engage in it, free from contending with my inner critic demanding me to do it.

By combining executive functioning skills with mindfulness practices, work no longer requires so much brute force, resulting in a much easier and more harmonious life. Having unburdened myself from the endless stress of work, the anxiety and shame also dissipated. I feel empowered and confident to be my authentic self and put myself in situations and environments that suit me. And, crucially, I’m kind to myself.

Change Is Possible

No matter your struggles, I believe you can find your own success with the right approach and with the right tools. Let me be the proof that change and growth are possible and worth fighting for. But don’t wait as long as I did to get help.

Photo of Alexander Thal, Executive Functioning Tutor in Los Angeles

Executive Functioning Tutor in Los Angeles

Looking for support but don't know where to begin?

Schedule a complimentary 20-minute call with me to explore your present circumstances. During our conversation, we’ll collaboratively assess how I can support you or help you reach your personal goals. If my coaching isn’t the ideal fit for you, I will offer guidance to steer you in the right direction.