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Alexander Thal

Executive Functioning Skills Plan

The "Get Moving" Package

If you're stuck at your job, at school, or under 20 tons of work that just won't get done...

 …this is the coaching package for you. In six weeks, we’ll get you up and going again, with momentum to continue onwards independently. This executive functioning skills plan will involve taking an honest look at what isn’t working right now – consciously and unconsciously, internally and externally – and making real change to your environments and your behavior patterns where required. 

This is not easy work, but it is the necessary work to free yourself from the cycle of struggle that seems to never end. If you’re ready to stop fighting with yourself and start finding ease in your life, then it’s time to get moving!

Image of Star with words "6 Sessions", the number of sessions in the Executive Functioning Action Plan


Positive Intervention!

We begin by taking a big step back and looking at “what’s not working” from a birds-eye view. We cannot fix anything without first understanding the problems at the root. All healing begins with making the unconscious conscious, and doing so from a non-judgmental perspective.


Finding Your "Why-Power"

To get moving, you have to know why you’re moving. In this session, we’ll discover your deepest values and find the through-line that connects your work to these values. And if your work isn’t properly motivated by your values, then perhaps the work itself needs to be reconsidered.


Goal Setting That Works

The best procrastinators are great at making to-do lists. But checking off items on that list is not quite so easy. We’ll figure out where that dissonance comes from and how to re-write that story. Hint: it involves befriending the ever-distractible monkey that lives in your head.


Executive Functioning Skills

How do productive people get things done? Well, at some point they gained executive functioning skills – time management, planning, organization, impulse control, etc. If you’re like me, you were never taught these skills and you struggled to learn them on your own. In this session, I’ll pull back the curtain and you’ll see that executive functioning is a learnable skillset – and we’ll start putting your new skills into practice immediately.


Round-Table Discussion:
Who are you ignoring?

By now, you understand what’s not working, you’ve set goals that align with your Why-Power, and you’ve learned the tricks to accomplishing those goals. So why are you still struggling? Today, we’ll get to know the hidden parts of you that are still resisting this intervention. By collaborating with these parts instead of struggling against them, you’ll realize that the work you once hated can actually be easy… and even fun!


Sustainable Habits & Beyond

The most frustrating part of making real change in one’s life is backsliding into old behavior patterns. In our final Executive Functioning Skills Plan session, we’ll learn how to ensure your new habits stick, and how to pick yourself up and get back on the horse when they don’t. This involves deepening your emotional intelligence, practicing detachment, and learning to hold empathic space for yourself.

The Executive Functioning Skills Plan

What are executive functioning skills? Learn more here. During each session, we will use your real work as a vehicle to learn how to work. For example, we’ll take an assignment that you’re struggling with and work on it together. When obstacles arise, we’ll investigate why they throw you off-track, what strategies you can use to get back on track, and how to apply those strategies. 

What if it doesn't work?

Here’s the secret no one else will tell you: it won’t work. Not always. The truth is that everybody struggles and everybody fails. This isn’t a quick-fix that will magically solve all of your problems. This is a methodology to change your behavior patterns. It takes work to change yourself and there will be failure in that process: learning to overcome failure is the most important lesson in this work.

But you won’t be alone: I will be there every step of the way, as I have been for many people before you and as I will be for many after you. These are tried and true techniques that can change your life – trust me, I know from experience. Are you ready to take the first step towards real change with the Executive Functioning Skills Plan?

Coaching Sessions Personalized to Your Needs

Note that all coaching sessions are catered to the unique needs of the client at the time of the session, so we may not follow the Executive Functioning Skills Plan as written above 100% of the time. My goal is to help you make real change in your behavior patterns and workflows, and we will focus on whatever you need to accomplish this.

Note to Parents & Caretakers

Executive functioning coaching thrives on collaboration among the student, the caregiver(s), and the coach. You will remain involved in the process through communication with me both before and after sessions, but the sessions themselves will be one-on-one between me and the student.

Photo of Alexander Thal, coach of the Executive Functioning Skills Plan
Meet Your Mentor:

Alexander Thal,
Personal Development Coach

Alexander Thal, Personal Development Coach

Photo of Alexander Thal, coach of the Executive Functioning Skills Plan

Hi, I’m Alex, a certified Mindset & Life Strategy Coach based in Los Angeles. Aside from my Executive Functioning Skills Plan, I specialize in helping Millennials and Gen-Z find relief from the internal and external challenges in their lives. My clients come to me wanting to make positive change in their work, relationships, personal lives and spiritual lives and leave having achieved their goals, with newfound clarity, purpose, and confidence.

If you or your child is struggling with...

  • Procrastination
  • Social Media
  • Self-Esteem Issues
  • Neurodivergence Masking
  • Aimlessness
  • Burnout / “Laziness”
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Impulsivity
  • Stress
  • Inattentiveness
  • Post-Pandemic Social Anxiety

...then you've come to the right place.

The Executive Functioning Skills Plan builds executive functioning skills and the self-confidence needed to continue finding success independently. I help challenged students and young adults understand why they are struggling and provide them with the tools and strategies to achieve…

  • Executive Functioning Skills
  • Emotional Intelligence
  • Self-Confidence
  • Conscious Communication
  • Self-Advocacy
  • Purpose
  • Behavioral Regulation Skills
  • Impulse Control
  • Self-Awareness
  • Decision Making Skills
  • Self-Discipline
  • Mindfulness
Photo of Alexander Thal, Executive Functioning Tutor in Los Angeles

Executive Functioning Skills Plan

Let's Chat

Schedule a complimentary 20-minute call with me to explore your present circumstances. During our conversation, we’ll collaboratively assess how I can support you or help you reach your personal goals. If the Executive Functioning Skills Plan isn’t the ideal fit for you, I will offer guidance to steer you in the right direction.

"Regardless of age, youngsters can begin working on developmental levels they have been unable to master, but they can do so only in the context of a close, personal relationship with a devoted adult."